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Is this you?

  • Do you get excited about learning something new, making a lifestyle change, or setting a personal goal… then find yourself a month later feeling deflated, stuck, and bored?

  • Are you frustrated with the 9-to-5 grind and want to explore something more fulfilling?

  • Are you someone who knows what you want but for some reason the ideas stay stuck in your head and you don't make any progress toward what you said you would?

Nodded "yes" to any of these?

You're not the only one. 

Studies have shown that less than 25% of people stay committed to their New Year's resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them.

It's a frustrating reality... 

You're probably wondering, why even bother?

Well, with the right methods, habits, and accountability, you can be one of the 8% that dominates their New Year's goals.

But first, let me introduce myself...

Hey, there!

I'm Joyce, and I'm a dreamer.

At the beginning of 2020, I had lots of hopes, but I was also afraid it wouldn't be any different from the last few years of working at my 9-to-5, bingeing Netflix, and getting drinks at happy hour. I was happy, but there was a little voice in the back of my head that told me there had to be more to life than running around in a never-ending hamster wheel.

I made a choice. 

I faced my fears, uncertainties, and doubts about "not being good enough" or "(fill in the blank) enough".

I started pursuing the life I dreamed of.

I started a business, released my own podcast, started a YouTube channel and blog while collaborating with creators and entrepreneurs all over the world.

If you had told me at the beginning of the year where I’d be now, my jaw would've hit the floor.

Although I never thought of myself as “creative” or “motivated”, I hit a turning point when I aligned with my life’s purpose, got in touch with my future self, and surrounded myself with incredible people. 

I made 2020 a year for the books, even though it felt like the world was on fire. 

I truly believe that if I can do it, you can too. 

You can create the life you want, even if it seems like it's out of reach. 

You can finally:

🔥 Start that business you’ve been talking about

🔥 Finish writing the book you’ve been working on

🔥 Get that Youtube channel going 

When you embrace the unknown and step into it with courage, your life will start unfolding in beautiful, unexpected ways. 

So here's how to know if joining The Abundance Circle is for you...

  • You know there’s more to life than happy hours and office holiday parties, but you don’t know what your purpose is or how to get started living the life you want

  • You’ve been pursuing your goals for awhile, but you’re struggling. You lose track or forget about what you’re working toward. There are weeks where you don’t make much progress.

  • You want to have the confidence that comes from steady, consistent habits that build up over time, not sporadic spurts of energy and productivity

  • You’ve always had big dreams but the thought of actually taking action scares you

  • You have an open mind. You’re ready to try new things in order to achieve the results you want

  • You want to surround yourself with like-minded people who will cheer you on when you get off track

What People Are Saying

"I was hit hard"

"I seriously didn’t think that rehashing stuff would bring me back to places I thought I left behind.  It has been a real process... I was hit hard with the questions and overview conversation. You're not too young or old to learn this stuff. It's never too late." — Donnie A.

"Joyce is the best!"

"Joyce is really good at bringing awareness to unconscious processes. I finally feel seen. She's the best!" — Jordan L.

"It pushed me to take steps towards the person I want to be!"

"The exercises really pushed me to step out of my comfort zone and start taking steps towards becoming the person I want to be!"—Tandeep S.

Here's How it Works...

An accountability experience with two phases


    The first four weeks in TAC is all about mindset and preparation. We'll focus on getting to know our strengths, values, purpose, and future self in order to create a plan we want to stick to in 2021.


    The next four weeks will be all about action. We'll compete to rack up Thrive points to win weekly prizes. Each week will focus on a single theme to maximize success after the program ends.

  • Intimate Group Experience

    The program maxes out at 8 spots for group coaching, so everyone can get the support they need. This also means members can get to know each other and build lasting connections.

  • Comprehensive Coaching + Content

    The program includes 8 weeks of worksheets and videos to tackle everything from goal-setting to building healthy habits so you're rock-steady in the new year.

  • Built-In Motivation

    The program uses a point system to encourage friendly competition to win prizes. Members of TAC gain points when they achieve their goals for the week.

"She'll help you sort out all the bullshit..."

Hendrick T.

"If you are feeling indecisive or can't get to the bottom of what you want or need in life, I'd highly recommend you work with Joyce. She'll help you sort out all the bullshit and get clear on what is truly driving your thoughts and actions."


Take your pick from three unique experiences


For the lone wolves. 20 spots only.

  • 8 WEEKS OF VIDEOS & EXERCISES - Content that will guide you through every step you need to take to be prepared for the New Year

  • 1 x 30MIN KICKOFF CALL - A 1:1 call with Joyce so you can hit the ground running and be prepared to maximize your success in the program

  • WEEKLY GROUP COACHING RECORDINGS - Being a solo flyer doesn't mean you can't benefit from others' experiences. Get access to the weekly group coaching sessions to watch at your own leisure.


For those wanting an intimate group experience. 8 spots only.

  • EVERYTHING IN SOLO - Those in the Community tier will have access to all the same features Solo members have.

  • THRIVE POINTS - Rack up points to win weekly prizes!

  • WEEKLY GROUP COACHING - Get to know your cohort with weekly group coaching

  • ACCOUNTABILITY PODS - These smaller groups can communicate and keep each other accountable during the week

  • ACCESS TO EXCLUSIVE GROUP CHAT - Get connected with TAC members in a convenient and exclusive group chat

  • JOYCE'S PERSONAL PHONE # - Text or call to reach Joyce at any time (may only respond during business hours)


For those who want the ultimate support. 2 spots only.

  • EVERYTHING IN COMMUNITY - Those in the ULTIMATE tier will have access to all the same features COMMUNITY members have.

  • WEEKLY 1:1 COACHING - Get a weekly slot in Joyce's calendar to stay on track with your goals and address any roadblocks that come up

"Having a life coach saves you time. You don't have to read dozens of self help books just to find the one that works for you. It's been nice having that treasure trove of knowledge and experiences condensed down and tailored to my life." — Jordan L.

Ready to get started?

Book a Thrive Chat today to see if The Abundance Circle is right for you.


*2- or 3-month payment plans are available!

“Before starting coaching with Joyce, my life was in total disarray. I was able to get over my past and find direction in my life again." — Donnie A.

Join the Abundance Circle this week to lock in these valuable extras.


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  • Live Workshops with Guest Experts

    Add to your TAC experience by joining our cozy fireside chats with guest experts in topics like career, dating, and meditation.

  • 4 Bonus 1:1 Coaching Sessions

    Book an extra four sessions with Joyce (once per quarter) for continued followup and accountability after the program ends.

  • Get Bonus Module: "Recharge Your Relationships" (EARLY BIRD ONLY)

    This add-on will dive deep into healthy communication and include a comprehensive resentment + fear inventory to reset negative emotions.

"...the most impactful thing about the course has been feeling more confident in putting myself out there."—Tandeep S.

Don't know which experience to join or have questions?

Book a free 30min THRIVE Chat with Joyce to see if The Abundance Circle is the right choice for you.